July 10, 2022

Sean Patrick Maloney
Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee
430 S. Capitol St. SE 
Washington, DC 20003

Rep. Maloney,

As constituents of the new district you are running in, we are no strangers to the outsized influence of money in politics, especially in Democratic primaries. Just two years ago, the son of a pharmaceutical billionaire ran for Congress here in NY-17 and self-funded his campaign to the tune of millions of dollars. Thankfully, groups like Rockland United were able to help organize our community against this outside spending and elect a progressive representative instead.

This year, even more so than self-funding candidates, super PACs are having an outsized influence in Democratic primaries. That's why we were heartened to see the co-chairs of the Congressional Progressive Caucus condemn the super PACs that are currently spending against progressive candidates all across the country. In fact, those co-chairs also called on the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, the organization you lead, to denounce this spending that is often funded by right-wing billionaires and corporate interests. However, according to reporting in The Daily Beast, the DCCC has not answered this call.

If you seek to represent our community, we believe that it is crucial that you publicly condemn these super PACs that are spending millions of dollars in Democratic primaries, often in support of anti-choice men over pro-choice women. With the future of abortion rights in this country on the line, we must be focused on defeating far-right anti-choice politicians, not silencing the voices of progressive women.

Rep. Maloney, can we count on you to join the co-chairs of the Congressional Progressive Caucus in condemning the millions of dollars Super PACs are spending against progressive Democrats this election cycle?


Peekskill Progressives
Progressive Women of New York 
Putnam Progressives 
Rockland United
Rockland Working Families Party
Sunrise Movement NYC
We of Action New York
Westchester-Putnam Working Families Party