Date: May 17, 2022

Contact: Matt Kelley,, 347-439-8054

Rockland United and Rockland Working Families Party Call on Rep. Mondaire Jones to Run for Reelection in NY-17
Despite a Possible Primary Challenge

Following the Release of New Congressional Maps, We Condemn Rep. Maloney’s Decision to Challenge Rep. Jones
and Endanger Control of Congress

Rockland County, NY— Rockland United and Rockland Working Families Party released a statement earlier today calling on Rep. Mondaire Jones to seek reelection in his home district, Congressional District 17, and urged Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney to reconsider running in NY-17. 

In his first term in Congress, Mondaire Jones has faithfully served the people of Rockland County as the progressive champion they elected in 2020. We strongly encourage him to run for reelection in the newly redrawn CD-17 so that he can continue to advance progressive causes in Congress for our Rockland communities. 

As the first congressional candidate in the country to call for Supreme Court expansion, Jones continues to lead the way nationally in protecting our democracy. And as a strong advocate for his district, Jones, in his first year alone has secured more than $10 million in much needed aid for healthcare, LGBTQ+ programs, and water supply protection. We are proud to be represented by such a consequential progressive advocate in Congress. 

With the new CD-17 including approximately 75% of the former district, including Jones’ hometown of Spring Valley, it is only sensible for Rep. Jones to represent his home turf. Now, with a challenge from a centrist Democrat the sort the people of Rockland overwhelmingly rejected in 2020 we implore Rep. Jones to fight for us and run in District 17. 

“It’s alarming that Rep. Maloney, especially as DCCC chair, would forfeit his own district, a crucial swing seat, with fewer than six months before the general election, throwing a critical race into disarray,” said Rockland United Steering Committee Member Paul Diamond. “The growing possibility of a far-right takeover of the House of Representatives should have persuaded Rep. Maloney to protect the Democratic majority at all costs. Instead, he decided to place personal political advantage over protecting our majority.” 

“Progressive Rocklanders worked tirelessly to elect Congressman Jones, and are proud to have brought his leadership to Congress,” said Meredith Wisner, Chair of Rockland Working Families Party. “I think Congressman Maloney will find there is little enthusiasm for his candidacy after so blatantly disregarding the will of our district.” 

We look forward to fighting to keep Mondaire Jones in Congress for CD-17 this November. 


Rockland United is a grassroots activist group aimed at moving our county and country forward and ensuring civil rights are protected for our most vulnerable communities. We do this through daily civic actions and outreach, fundraising to support local organizations and candidates who share our values, and organizing events to raise awareness and build community alliances.

Rockland Working Families Party is the Rockland club of the New York Working Families Party. We work in collaboration with local community groups to support working people and progressive candidates in Rockland County.